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Jason Macías

Web Developer Portfolio

I am a web development professional who has recently completed an intensive, full-time coding bootcamp where we took a deep dive into the fundamentals of full stack web development. As a former librarian with a Masters in Library Science, I feel comfortable dealing with information and hope to make the most of this training as I transition into my new career. I love challenge of building abstract things that work, especially the problem-solving aspect of putting together complicated web applications. I am very much looking forward to launching my new career so that I can move further along my path toward becoming a skilled web developer

I am familiar with: Java (OCA Certified), Spring, Microservices, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Sequelize, Mongoose, React, Turf.js, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and Bulma.

Abstract Strategy Gamers Club

A site for fans of abstract strategy games

Role: sole developer

A web site in development for fans of abstract strategy board games like chess, go, and othello, with a focus on less-well-known abstracts that don’t have the web presence of more popular games like chess. Allows users to create an authenticated profile that records the games they are interested in playing. Using information from their profile, it also allow users to find other site members who are interested in playing the same games they are and sorts them by geographical proximity to facilitate setting up in-person gaming sessions or local gaming groups. Future features will include pages for individual games featuring links to strategy resources, and the ability to form local groups.

Created with React, Express, Node, MySQL, Sequelize, Bulma, Passport, and geocoding libraries.

CNJ Sci-Fi/Fantasy BMC

Web site for the Central New Jersey Sci-fi/Fantasy Book and Movie Club

Role: part of a team of four developers, focusing on javasctipt functionality.

A web site to bring together information for members of the Central New Jersey Sci-Fi/Fantay Book and Movie Club. It responds to current and future meetings scheduled for the group on Meetup.com and offers professional book reviews and book previews for past, current, and future reads from iDreamBooks and Google Books, as well as providing reminders for upcoming meetings.

Created with JavaScript, jQuery, Firebase, and Bootstrap.

Memory Game

A memory game created with React

Role: sole developer

This is a front-end memory game app that challenges users to remember which icons they have clicked, as their configuration and color change randomly after each attempt. Users are notified of their current and high scores.

Created with React and Bulma.


A group vacation helper web application

Role: part of a team of five developers, with a focus on back end functionality.

This application in development that allows a group of would-be vacationers to sign up, create a group, create a list of vacation options, and then vote on and rank them on a scale from 1-10. Then, when everyone has voted, the application runs an instant runoff election using this data to give the group a winning city.

Created with Express, Node, MySQL, Sequelize, Bootstrap, Handlebars, Passport, and Axios.

Note Taker

A note-taking web application

Role: sole developer

Offers a web application that allows user to take notes, save them to the database, and delete them with a push of a button.

Created with JavaScript, jQuery, Express, Node, MySQL, and Bootstrap.

Essay Scraper

A web-scraping, note-taking web application

Role: sole developer

Offers a web app that scrapes current essays from Aeon.co. Allows users to select an article from a list to view a summary and a link to the original page, as well as post notes associated with individual articles to the database.

Created with JavaScript, Axios, Express, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Cheerio, and Bootstrap.